||||| 5 LINES
A Center for Fitness and Somatic Education
5 Lines Feldenkrais
Private Sessions
Radically customized for you.
Private Sessions are the most customized and fastest way toward feeling better. Your practitioner will gently explore your specific movement patterns and facilitate new ways to move. This leads to dramatic improvements in how you feel.
Curated for self-discovery.
Group Sessions are small so our practitioners can attend to your needs. We have introductory classes and workshops for clients to experience the benefits of Feldenkrais and ten-week courses dedicated to making substantial changes in how clients move and feel.
Classes are now meeting online. Please see our new online offerings.
"I send patients to 5 Lines because of its unparalleled quality which I have experienced first hand. I had years of debilitating pain and the top pain specialists in New York couldn't help me. Then I discovered the people who started 5 Lines and they changed my life."
— Steven Poskar, M.D.