New Online Offerings

We are now offering a suite of online services during social distancing programs. These include Feldenkrais Method classes and private sessions as well as 5 Lines Fitness and Guided Meditation held over video conference.


A message from Josh Wolk and 5 Lines about the COVID-19 outbreak


We need each other more than ever, just as we have to stay apart. Sharing an experience with others, even just online, can offer a lot of comfort. Whether in meditation, exercise or Feldenkrais, we benefit from working together and knowing we are still in it together. 5 Lines is offering a suite of new online offerings for anyone who wants to connect during this incredibly trying time.

These new offerings include online private and group Feldenkrais sessions, meditation and 5 Lines Fitness.

It could be easy to let our fears and our stress overwhelm us right now, so we need to marshal all of our resources to help us remain calm, sane, and healthy. Thankfully, we have each other and we have great tools like the method, meditation and exercise to keep us going. The links above will take you to what 5 Lines is offering online while we are staying in and staying apart.